Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunnyvale Study Clubs, first half of 2011

These are worth your time and money. Always free. Always 6-8ish pm. Always open to all (doctors, associates, assistants, CEREC owners and not-now-but-really-should-be-CEREC-owners). Always with 3 CEs. Always with dinner. Always hoping you’ll RSVP so I can order enough food.

Sunnyvale, at Patterson Branch (333 Soquel Way)

WEDS, FEB 16… Anteriors! I’ll show the new tricks with 3.8 and crowns v. veneers, multiple units, ghosting the correlate, implants, and anything else I can steal from your collective cases. I’ll also have the new integrated shade guide—zap the neighboring tooth to get the right shade and the block placement software will select the shade and dance it into the proper position (or so I’m told…).

THURS, MAR 17 (St. Patrick’s Day)… Show your Irish, bring a green-stained CEREC, and learn how to make some green cash. After I answer any and all CEREC questions and review a few cases, Davy Jones (not from the Monkeys) an practice management consultant with 25 years’ experience, will spend an hour talking about how to grow your practice in this recovering economy.

WEDS, APR 13… Stain and Glaze tips with Eddie Corrales (www.downtowndentaldesigns.com), a CEREC Alpha Tester (and Alpha Male), San Diego master ceramist, and genuine friend to CEREC doctors venturing into large cases. He’ll also take any CEREC design or materials question you can think of. This IS NOT a hands-on class. That’s on Friday…

TUES, MAY 17… Quadrants and speed design. My list has grown to 30 Most Common reasons you’re CERECing too slowly. I’ll review each reason with a case or two and pass out the list. (Hint: first 29 reasons are the prep!)

MON, JUNE 13… The new 4.0 software should be out, or I should have stolen a beta copy by now. See designing multiple units at once (skip the virtual seat part), bridges, adjusting for excursive motion as well as the centric bite, and the new just-take-my-handpiece-and-prep-it-for-me feature.

TUES, JULY 12… I’ll think of something good.

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